About This Site…

Epignosis: (ἐπίγνωσις)

  • “precise and correct knowledge”
  • “to become thoroughly acquainted with, to know thoroughly, to know accurately, know well”

“For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge.”


So where does that leave me?  What are my interests?  What knowledge do I pursue?  As a believer, it seems obvious that there should be effort spent on the fundamentals of my faith.  What do I know about my beliefs?  Why do I believe what I do?  Can I explain it to someone else?  But it’s not just about my beliefs, but also my thoughts and my mind.  For I know that my drive to discover and know is a gift from God.  We are called as believers to not be blind followers, but to develop our faith and our minds.  That seems simple enough…

But I also have my education and work experience in the IT field.  So how does that add to my core of belief and knowledge?  It’s more than just my faith.  And on top of that all, I am an avid gamer.  Board games, card games, video games, MMORPGs, classic RPGs, etc.  And of course I’m a gadget geek on top of all of that.

So as I pursue these things, and seek knowledge and understanding, I hope to share some of my journey with you…  And a wild ride it will be…  🙂

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